Cloudways Review: A Comprehensive Look at the Managed Cloud Hosting Platform

Cloudways is a popular managed cloud hosting provider that offers a unique approach to web hosting. Instead of managing your own server infrastructure, Cloudways provides a platform that lets you choose from different cloud providers (DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud) and then manage your applications with ease.

Here's a breakdown of Cloudways' strengths and weaknesses to help you decide if it's the right choice for you:


  • Ease of use: Cloudways has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to set up and manage your applications, even if you're not a tech expert. The one-click application installation and intuitive dashboard make it a breeze to get started.
  • Performance: Cloudways leverages the power of top-tier cloud providers, which means your website will benefit from fast loading times and high uptime. They also offer various server sizes and configurations to cater to different website needs.
  • Scalability: Cloudways allows you to easily scale your server resources up or down as your website traffic grows. This flexibility is crucial for websites with fluctuating traffic or those experiencing sudden growth.
  • Security: Cloudways takes security seriously, offering features like firewalls, regular backups, and automatic security updates to keep your website safe.
  • Support: Cloudways provides 24/7 customer support via live chat and ticketing system. Their support team is knowledgeable and responsive, always willing to help you with any issues you encounter.
  • Add-ons: Cloudways offers a variety of add-ons to enhance your hosting experience, such as SSL certificates, application monitoring, and CDN integration.


  • Pricing: While Cloudways offers competitive pricing for its basic plans, the cost can quickly add up as you increase server resources or add additional applications. Pay-as-you-go pricing can be unpredictable for some users.
  • Limited server control: Compared to traditional hosting, Cloudways offers less control over your server environment. This might not be ideal for users who need complete control over their server configuration.
  • Learning curve: Although user-friendly, Cloudways might have a slight learning curve for beginners unfamiliar with cloud hosting concepts.

Overall, Cloudways is a great option for:

  • Developers and agencies: The ease of use, scalability, and performance make Cloudways a good choice for managing multiple websites and applications.
  • E-commerce businesses: The reliable uptime and fast loading times are crucial for online stores to keep customers happy and conversions high.
  • Bloggers and small businesses: The basic plans offer affordable hosting for low-traffic websites, while the scalability allows for future growth.

However, if you:

  • Need complete server control: Traditional hosting might be a better fit.
  • Have a very low budget: Shared hosting might be a cheaper alternative.
  • Are a complete beginner: Cloudways might have a steeper learning curve compared to some other hosting options.

Ultimately, whether or not Cloudways is the right choice for you depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider your technical expertise, website traffic, and desired level of control before making your decision.

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